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Lesson 2: Quantitative Analysis of Compounds
Part b: Grams-Moles-Particles Relationship
Part a:
Molar Mass of Compounds
Part b: Grams-Moles-Particles Relationship
Part c:
Percent Composition
Part d:
Empirical and Molecular Formulae
The Goals:
Lesson 2b will focus on the use of conversion factors to …
- Determine the number of moles that are equal to a given number of particles (molecules or formula units) of a compound.
- Determine the number of particles (molecules or formula units) that are equal to a given number of moles of a compound.
- Determine the number of moles that are equal to a given mass in grams of a compound.
- Determine the mass in grams that are equal to a given number of moles of a compound.
- Determine the number of particles (molecules or formula units) that are equal to a given mass in grams of a compound.
- Determine the mass in grams that are equal to a given number of particles (molecules or formula units) of a compound.
Relying on the Factor Label Method
Lesson 1d of this chapter pertained to the use of
the factor label method to perform conversions from grams to moles to atoms for samples of elements. This part of Lesson 2 will involve a very similar logic, except that the conversions will be performed for compounds.
Compounds are different than
Compounds consist of two or more elements. For instance, water (H
2O) is a compound. Water consists of two elements – hydrogen and oxygen. Compounds are also different than elements in terms of the
fundamental particles of which they are composed. Water is a molecular compound. A sample of a molecular compound like H
2O consists of molecules of H
2O. Molecules are the fundamental particles of molecular compounds. In contrast, sodium chloride (NaCl) is an example of an ionic compound.
There are no molecules in an ionic compound. Ionic compounds consists of an organized collection of positive and negative ions that are gathered together in a highly structured network known as a crystal lattice. We refer to there being
formula units of the ionic compound. One Na
+ ion and one Cl
- ion make for one formula unit. When you encounter the word
particles on this page, you can interpret this to mean molecules (for molecular compounds) or formula units (for ionic compounds).
With some exceptions, atoms are the
fundamental particles of
elements. The element copper consists of copper atoms. The element sodium consists of sodium atoms. The most common exceptions to this include the
seven elements that are found naturally as diatomic molecules (remember
Professor H2O2N2Cl2Br2I2F2) instead of the usual monatomic form.
factor label method will be used to accomplish the goals of this unit. The factor label method relies on the use of conversion factors.
Conversion factors are created from equivalence statements. The two most common equivalence statements are associated with
Avogadro’s number and the
molar mass concept.
Avogadro’s number indicates the number of items (6.022x10
23) in one mole. The
molar mass indicates the mass in grams of a substance per 1 mole (mol) of that substance. The molar mass value depends on the substance. For water, there are 18.0152 grams per 1 mole. The molar mass is determined from atomic mass values on the periodic table.
Lesson 2a detailed the method of calculating the
molar mass from a chemical formula.
Particles ⇔ Moles
The two conversion factors below are used to convert particles (molecules or
formula units) to moles and moles to particles.
NOTE: Depending on the context of the problem, the
particles may be replaced with either
molecules (for molecular compounds) or
formula units (for ionic compounds).
Conversion Factor #1 is used to convert from particles to moles. The denominator has units of particles. When this fraction is used as a multiplier, it will cancel the particles of the given quantity. The unit on the result is the uncancelled mol in the numerator.
Conversion Factor #2 is used to convert from moles to particles. The denominator has units of mol (mole). When the fraction is used as a multiplier, it will cancel the moles of the given quantity. The unit on the result is the uncancelled particles of the numerator.
Example #1
A 12-ounce can of Mountain Dew contains 1.71x1020 molecules of caffeine (C8H10N9O2). Determine the number of moles of caffeine in the drink?
The given quantity is the number of molecules – 1.71x10
20 molecules. The target unit is the moles of caffeine. Conversion Factor #1 will be used since it has molecules in the denominator. Using the factor with molecules in the denominator will cancel the molecules of the given quantity. The mol will not cancel and that will be the unit on the answer. Begin by writing down the given quantity with its unit. Then set up the conversion factor with units and numbers. Cancel (cross out) the molecules of the given quantity and in the denominator of the conversion factor. Now it’s time to multiply the given value by the numerator value and to divide by the denominator value.
The answer is 5.8x1025 molecules. It has been rounded to the second significant digit.
Example #2
Ima Nothelpin exhales an estimated 96 moles of carbon dioxide every day. How many molecules of this greenhouse gas is Ima releasing into the atmosphere?
The given quantity is the number of moles – 96 mol. The target unit is the number of molecules. Conversion Factor #2 will be used since it has mol in the denominator. Using the factor with mol in the denominator will cancel the mol of the given quantity. The molecules will not cancel and that will be the unit on the answer. Begin by writing down the given quantity with its unit. Then set up the conversion factor with units and numbers. Cancel (cross out) the mol of the given quantity and in the denominator of the conversion factor. Finally, multiply the given value by the numerator value and divide by the denominator value.
The answer is 2.84x10
-4 mol. It has been rounded to the third significant digit.
Moles ⇔ Grams
The two conversion factors below are used to convert from moles to grams and from grams to moles.
The value
X in these factors depends on what the compound is. The compound name and/or formula will be stated in the problem. Use Lesson 2a to determine the molar mass of the compound. The molar mass of the compound is the
X value.
Conversion Factor #3 is used to convert from mol (moles) to grams. The denominator has units of mol. When the fraction is used as a multiplier, it will cancel the mol of the given quantity. The unit on the result is the g (grams) of the numerator.
Conversion Factor #4 is used to convert from grams to moles. The denominator has units of g (grams). When the fraction is used as a multiplier, it will cancel the g of the given quantity. The unit on the result is the mol (moles) from the numerator.
Example #3
The Chemistry lab called for the use of 2.50 mol of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). How many grams of NaHCO3 are required in the lab?
The given quantity is the moles – 2.50 mol of NaHCO
3. The target unit is the grams of NaHCO
3. Conversion Factor #3 will be used since it has mol in the denominator. Using this factor with mol in the denominator will cancel the mol of the given quantity. The g will not cancel and that will be the unit on the answer. Begin by writing down the given quantity with its unit. Then set up the conversion factor with units and numbers. Cancel (cross out) the mol of the given quantity and in the denominator of the conversion factor. Now it’s time to multiply the given value by the numerator value and to divide by the denominator value.
The answer is 210. g NaHCO
3. It has been rounded to the third significant digit.
Example #4
In the Soap Making lab, Ester Linkage and Li Rheacks added 48.2 g of NaOH to their beaker of cocoa oil and shea butter. How many moles of NaOH were added to the beaker?
The given quantity is the mass of NaOH – 48.2 g of NaOH. The target unit is the moles of NaOH. Conversion Factor #4 will be used since it has g in the denominator. Using the factor with g in the denominator will cancel the g of the given quantity. The mol NaOH will not cancel and that will be the unit on the answer. Begin by writing down the given quantity with its unit. Then set up the conversion factor with units and numbers. Cancel (cross out) the g NaOH of the given quantity and in the denominator of the conversion factor. Finally, multiply the given value by the numerator value and divide by the denominator value.
The answer is 1.21 mol NaOH. It has been rounded to the third significant digit.
Particles ⇔ Grams
So far, we have seen examples in which just a single conversion factor is used to convert the unit of the given quantity to the target unit. Now we will see instances in which two conversion factors are required.
These two-step problems of converting from particles to grams or from grams to particles can be thought of as a combining of the types of problems we have already solved. For instance, the conversion of the given quantity of particles to the mass in grams can be done by first converting from particles to moles and then from moles to grams. These two steps can be done together by stringing together the two conversion factors in consecutive fashion.
The process of converting from a given quantity of grams to the number of particles can be done in two steps as well. First convert from grams to moles and then from moles to particles.
Both Avogadro’s number (Conversion Factors #1 and #2) and molar mass (Conversion Factors #3 and #4) will be used to do these conversions.
NOTE: Depending on the context of the problem, the
particles may be replaced with either
molecules (for molecular compounds) or
formula units (for ionic compounds).
Example #5
What is the mass (in grams) of 3.58 x1024 molecules of water?
The given quantity is the molecules – 3.58 x10
24 molecules of H
2O. The target unit is the grams of H
2O. Conversion Factor #1 will be used to convert the unit on the given quantity (molecules) to moles. Then Conversion Factor #3 will be used to convert the moles to the target unit grams. The two conversion factors will be strung together in consecutive fashion. Units will be cancelled (crossed out).
To facilitate the idea of unit conversions, we first show the set-up of conversion factors without any numbers. Observe the cancellation of units.
Once we have the conversion factors set up to perform the proper cancellation of units, we insert the numbers in the appropriate locations. We carefully solve on our calculator by multiplying the given value (3.58 x10
24) by the two numerator values and then dividing by the two denominator values.
The answer is 107 g H
2O. It has been rounded to the third significant digit.
Example #6
How many formula units of copper(II) chloride are in 79.4 g of this ionic compound?
The given quantity is the mass – 79.4 g CuCl
2. The target unit is the
formula units of CuCl
2. For ionic compounds, formula units are the particles. Conversion Factor #4 will be used to convert the unit on the given quantity (g CuCl
2) to moles. Then Conversion Factor #2 will be used to convert the moles to the target unit -
formula units of CuCl
2. The two conversion factors will be strung together in consecutive fashion. Units will be cancelled (crossed out).
The conversion factor set up is first done without any numbers. Observe the cancellation of units.
Once we have the conversion factors set up to perform the proper cancellation of units, we insert the numbers in the appropriate locations. We carefully solve on our calculator by multiplying the given value (79.4) by the two numerator values and then dividing by the two denominator values.
The answer is 3.56x10
23 formula units. It has been rounded to the third significant digit.
Determining the Number of Atoms of an Element in a Sample
Perhaps one of the more difficult conversions at this point in the Chemistry course is the determination of the number of atoms of an element in a given quantity of grams of a compound. So, what is meant by this? We have just seen in Example 6 that the number of particles (molecules or
formula units) can be determined from a knowledge of the mass of a compound. Compounds consist of two or more elements. In example 6, copper(II) chloride was the compound and it consists of copper and chlorine in a 1:2 ratio. Every
formula unit of CuCl
2 has one copper atom and two chlorine atoms in their ion form. So, there is one remaining step to such a problem. If the number of chlorine atoms must be determined, then it is a matter of multiplying the number of formula units of CuCl
2 by two.
The table illustrates the relationship between particles (molecules or
formula units) and atoms, assuming that there was 1.00 mole of particles present in a sample.
Example #7
Referring to Example #6. How many atoms of chlorine are in 79.4 g of this ionic copper(II) chloride?
In Example #6, it was determined that there were 3.56x10
23 formula units of CuCl
2 in 79.4 g of CuCl
2. Since there are two atoms of Cl in every formula unit of CuCl
2, the number of atoms of Cl would be twice the number of formula units.
# of atoms of Cl = 2•(3.56x1023) = 7.12 x1023 atoms of Cl
Before You Leave
- Download our Study Card on Particles-Moles-Mass. Save it to a safe location and use it as a review tool.
- Try our Concept Builder titled Particles-Moles-Mass. It begins with nice numbers and simple formulas and gradually increases in complexity. Give it a try.
- Our Calculator Pad section has three sets of Practice Problems on this topic. Your answers are evaluated and feedback is provided; you have infinite opportunities to correct your mistakes. The difficulty level increases for each consecutive set of problems. Try …
- The Check Your Understanding section below includes questions with answers and explanations. It provides a great chance to self-assess your understanding.
Check Your Understanding
Use the following questions to assess your understanding. Tap the
Check Answer buttons when ready.
1. On an icy January morning, South’s custodian Hans Full pours 1350 grams of calcium chloride onto the sidewalks in front of the main entrance to the school. Calculate the moles of calcium chloride that were used.
2. Clarence Pipes, the infamous local plumber, is called to a home to fix a clogged bathroom drain. As he begins his duties, he pours a bottle of industrial strength drain cleaner down the drain. The bottle contained 2.45 moles of sodium hydroxide.
- Calculate the number of formula units of sodium hydroxide that were poured into the drain.
- Calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide. Reference our Polyatomic Ion list if necessary.
3. In an effort to keep the shoes in a shoe box dry, a shoe company places 2.58 grams of silicon dioxide into the box. (The silicon dioxide is the hygroscopic chemical that is present in the small mesh bag sometimes found in shoe boxes.) Calculate the number of molecules of silicon dioxide that are used.
4. Tilda Earth is preparing her garden for the upcoming spring growth. As a fertilizer, she works 459 grams of ammonium nitrate into the soil. Determine the moles of ammonium nitrate that were added to the soil. Reference our
Polyatomic Ion list if necessary.
5. Overcome by a cold, Colin Sick stays home from work. During the course of the day he consumes 1.29 grams of pseudoephedrine, the active ingredient in Sudafed. Pseudoephedrine has the chemical formula C
15NO. Calculate the molecules of C
15NO ingested by Colin.
6. The active ingredient in Milk of Magnesia is magnesium hydroxide. The magnesium hydroxide acts as an antacid and a saline laxative. After a trip to Taco Bell, Indiana Jestun (
Indy to his friends) drops 4.79 x 10
22 formula units of magnesium hydroxide into his stomach. Determine the mass of magnesium hydroxide. Reference our
Polyatomic Ion list if necessary.