Chapter 5: The Modern Atomic Model

The 20th century was filled with accomplishments in scientific understanding. One of the greatest accomplishments was the development of the quantum mechanical model. Chapter 5 traces the discoveries that led to the model and the describes the relationship between the electronic structure of atoms and the properties of elements.

Lesson 1: Bohr and Beyond

  • Part a: Emission Spectrum of the Elements
  • Part b: Wave-Particle Duality
  • Part c: Bohr's Quantized Energy Levels
  • Part d: de Broglie's Electron Waves
  • Part e: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

Lesson 2: The Quantum Mechanical Model

  • Part a: Schrodinger's Wave Mechanical Model
  • Part b: Orbitals
  • Part c: Energy Levels
  • Part d: Quantum Numbers

Lesson 3: Electronic Structure of Atoms

  • Part a: Electron Configurations
  • Part b: Orbital Diagrams
  • Part c: Electrons and the Periodic Table
  • Part d: Exceptions to the Rule

Lesson 4: The Periodic Table and the Atom

  • Part a: The Periodic Law Revisited
  • Part b: Atomic Size
  • Part c: Ionization Energy
  • Part d: Electronegativity
  • Part e: Ion Formation