Task Tracker - Directions

A subscription purchase gives a teacher (and students) access to  Task Tracker - our system that tracks student progress on The Calculator Pad, Minds On Physics, Concept Builders, and Physics Interactives with Concept Checkers. Task Tracker allows teachers to create classes, populate the classes with students, make assignments for students to access, and view student progress reports and scores on those assignments. Directions for using Task Tracker with The Calculator Pad can be found on this page. This will be the home base for directions, PDFs that can be distributed to students, and video walk-throughs. Directions specific to our other Task Tracker features can be found in those sections of the website.


Purchasing and Subscription Topics

Purchasing a Subscription
The use of Task Tracker begins with the purchase of a subscription. But before you pull the trigger, find out what you're shooting at. Read the directions for ...

Purchasing a Subscription

Determining the Number of Required Seats
When you purchase a Task Tracker Subscription, you're buying a certain quantity of seats. Later you will use those seats to enable features like The Calculator Pad, Concept Builders, Minds On Physics, etc. for your classes. So how many seats do you need? Visit our online Seat and Cost Calculator and we will guide you through the decision.

Online Seat and Cost Calculator

Assigning Teachers to a Subscription
So you bought a subscription. Thanks. But slow down. There's one more step. Now you have to designate a teacher to be the user of that subscription. Find out how with this page of directions about ...

Assigning Teachers to a Subscription

Renewing a Subscription
If you had a Task Tracker subscription last year, then renewing the subscription for this subscription season is easy. Take a minute to learn how and avoid common pitfalls that can stall the process.

Web Page with PDF

Upgrading or Purchasing Additional Seats
Run out of seats? No problem. Purchasing more seats is easy. Learn how.

Web Page with PDF


Directions for Teachers and Students

Once a teacher is assigned to a subscription, the fun can begin. It's time to learn how to use your account and to get your students signed up for your classes. Some parts of our system have a very shallow learning curve. In fact, you probably don't need directions. But we are going to write them anyways. Other parts are a little more complicated; we have already written directions for many of those parts. You will find those directions below.

Overview of Task Tracker for Teachers
Now that I have an account, what can I do with it?  And how should I get started?  

Web Page

Creating Classes
How do I create classes, manage classes, and add classes?

Web Page with PDF || Video Walk-Through

Adding Students to Classes:
How can I get students into my classes?

Web Page with PDF

Student Registration Directions:
What are the directions that students must follow to register for Task Tracker?

Web Page with PDF  || Video Walk-Through

Student Use Directions for Basic Usage:
What do students need to know to use The Calculator Pad?

Web Page with PDF

Changing a Student Password:
It's gonna happen. A student's going to forget their password. Here's some recovery tricks ... even a teacher-to-the-rescue plan.

Web Page with PDF

The Calculator Pad - Questions and Answers:
The Calculator Pad is a pretty sophisticated Task Tracker option. And there's probably lots of questions about it. Check out this page and get some answers to questions you've been meaning to ask (or maybe even wouldn't have thought of asking). 

Web Page

Assigning a Problem Set:
How do I assign the pre-made Calculator Pad Problem Sets to my classes? And how can I set up the scoring and other attributes for the assigned problem sets? It's easy and we'll tell you how.

Web Page with PDF

Modifying a Pre-Made Problem Set:
I have a problem set that I would like to modify. How do I do it? It's surprisingly easy to do. Let us help.

Web Page with PDF

Sharing a Customized Problem Set with a Colleague:
I made my own problem set and I think it's worth sharing with my colleagues. How can I share my creation so that others can use it? Give us a couple of minutes and you'll be a hero.

Web Page with PDF

Making Your Own Problem Set:
There's lots of problems spread across a variety of pre-made CalcPad Problem Sets that I would like to gather into my own problem set. How do I do that? How can I make my own problem set? Surprisingly its not that hard. Tap that link and get the skinny.

Web Page with PDF

Viewing Score Reports for a Problem Set
How do I view progress reports and scores for my students? We're glad you asked. And this is a must-read. And you'll be impressed by our Feedback view.

Web Page with PDF

Searching the Database of CalcPad Problems:
I've seen where I can search for problems by difficulty rating and by tags. Is there a place where I can find a list of all the Search Tags and their organization into topics? There sure is. Tap the link and we'll show you the mother-lode.

Web Page

Modifying an Existing Problem in a Problem Set:
We won't be offended if you tell us you don't like the wording of our problem. In fact, we expected it. And we've made an easy way for you to modify the problem.  

Directions coming soon.

Adding Your Own Problems to a Problem Set:
We have lots of problems. But they aren't your problems. And we anticipated that you would eventually want to add some of your own problems to a problem set. Find out how. 

Directions coming soon.

Using the Stand-Alone Problem Builder:
The Stand-Alone Problem Builder is not quite ready. We expect it to be ready in September (or a bit earlier). And soon after it is, we will put out some directions. In the mean-time, you can use the Problem Builder that is attached to the Assignment Builder. See directions directly above.

Directions coming soon.

Navigating Task Tracker:
What does a teacher need to know to effectively use Task Tracker?

Not Yet Available.

We devote quite a bit of time, energy, and money to the development of Concept Builders and the Task Tracker system. You can always find out about the latest updates and coming features on our social media sites. Follow us on ...