New things are coming to Physics Classroom, including a whole new website, simplified ordering processes, and updated Task Tracking Portal.  Work is expected to be completed close to June.

In the mean time, we have updated our Manual Order Form for the new pricing model and structure.  Please use this for any Quotes or Early Purchases of Subscriptions for the 2025-2026 school season!

Purchase or Get a Quote for 2025-2026 School Season

We asked, you answered, and we implemented a new Subscription model and simpler pricing model to help reduce headaches and increase value.  These changes include:

  1. Each subscription gains access to all features, both Physics and Chemistry
  2. No more Seats, it's now based on Students only
  3. All Subscriptions contain unlimited teacher accounts
  4. Ad-Free is now simply part of the Standard Subscription, with an Ad-Supported Tier available for budget minded teachers
  5. Subscription Minimum order is still $50, however this now with the Tiers you can get a small class on Standard Tier (ad-free) than previous years that had ad-free as extra.
  6. Students are now tied to the subscription, not class, so if a student transfers classes it will not erroniously double-charge on the subscription
  7. Teachers can be part of multiple subscription
  8. Parent Plan is now Ad-Free for the student and parent/mentor (no extra ad-free purchase necessary)
  9. Even on Ad-supported plans, the Teachers are Ad-Free

Standard Subscription: Task Tracking + No Ads, $4.00 per student (13-67 students), or $3.60 per student for 75+ students
Ad-Supported Subscription: Task Tracking + Ads. $2.00 per student (25-59 students), or $1.60 per student for 75+ students
Ad-Free Only Subscription: No ads only (no Task Tracking). $2.00 per student (25-59 students), or $1.60 per student for 75+ students
Parent Plan: For Homeschool or self taught, $50 per child, comes with three course options and learning plan.

We have had numerous requests from home-schooling parents and other parents to have a subscription made for a single student. Our hesitancy has always been that there would be a lot of work remaining for a parent to learn our system and assigned tasks for a single student. So we have re-configured our system to allow parents to more easily use it with their child  in order to easily provide a course of study. Once purchased, parents can add their child to the plan and select from a collection of course options - Conceptual Physics, College-Prep Physics, and Honors Physics. This plan is active for one full year. Assigned tasks are immediately visible. Student progess is easily view-able. If desired, the course can be edited by removing or adding assignments, changing due dates, modifying scoring rules, etc. A suggested study plan is provided if one is needed. While there is plenty of tutorial information available on the website, this plan does NOT provide any person-to-person tutoring. Students work independently to complete their assignments.

The Parent Plan is the perfect solution for a parent who would like to provide their child a solid course of study in Physics.


Individual Plan

For minimum 50 seats, up to 120 seats, max 1 teacher(s).

Group Plan

For at least 150 seats, unlimited number of teachers.

Customized Plan

Plans pre-approved by The Physics Classroom

Parent Plan

For minimum 1 child, up to 50 children, max 1 parent(s).

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Go ad-free for 1 year