Using the Science Reasoning Center with Task Tracker

Task Tracker - Directions

Task Tracker allows teachers to create classes, populate the classes with students, make assignments for students to access, and view student progress reports and scores on those assignments. Directions for using Task Tracker are abundantly available on the site. However, we have recently changed the organization of the directions. Most directions are now kept in the Teacher Resources section of a teacher's Task Tracker account. The links below apply specifically to the purchasing and set up of a subscription. Once a teacher is set up with a Task Tracker account, they should rely upon the Teacher Resources section for usage directions.


Purchasing and Subscription Topics

Purchasing a Subscription
The use of Task Tracker begins with the purchase of a subscription. But before you pull the trigger, find out what you're shooting at. Read these directions for ...

Purchasing a Subscription.

Assigning Teachers to a Subscription
So you bought a subscription. Thanks. But slow down. There's one more step. Now you have to designate a teacher to be the user of that subscription. Find out how with this page of directions:

Assigning Teachers to a Subscription.

Renewing a Subscription
If you had a subscription last year, then renewing the subscription for this subscription season is easy. Take a minute to learn how and avoid common pitfalls that can stall the process.

Web Page with PDF

Upgrading or Purchasing Additional Students
Run out of students? No problem. Purchasing more students is easy. Learn how.

Web Page with PDF


Additional Directions

Additional directions for the use of Task Tracker are now kept in the Teacher Resources section of a teacher's Task Tracker account. The links below apply specifically to the purchasing and set up of a subscription. Once a teacher is set up with a Task Tracker account, they should rely upon the Teacher Resources section for usage directions.