Conceptual Physics Course Package

We are nearing completion of our Conceptual Physics Course Package. This downloadable package will include Think Sheets created specifically for a Conceptual Physics course. The Think Sheets will be available in Microsoft Word format, allowing teachers to easily make changes and customize the product. Answer sheets will be provided in both PDF and Microsoft Word format. Each unit contains a file titled ImageBanks which includes graphics used in the Think Sheets, allowing teachers the ability to modify them and re-purpose them for quizzes, tests, and other products. The downloadable package also included an entire lab program for our 12 units. This will include Student Activity Sheets and Teacher Guides in Microsoft Word format. The Teacher Guides include expected answers and to the Student Activity Sheets, time estimates, material lists, a description of alternative materials and methods, procedural details, and words of caution. Finally, each unit is equipped with a Bonus folder that has a generous collection of other goodies of interest to teachers of the course.

We are expecting the product to be complete and available for purchase in April or May of 2025. An update will be provided once the project is complete.

In creating our Lesson Plans and Learning Outcomes for this course we have referenced several of the items that we intend to place in the package. We have used red text wherever we have made such a reference. These items will only be available by purchase of the course package.

Momentum and Collisions - Lesson Plans

The lesson plans below include links to the specific resources on our website.

Teacher Guides for labs can be found here.

NOTE: All CalcPad problem sets are customized problem sets created specifically for this course. The links direct users to the Guest version. Task Tracker users should use the link on the Task Tracker page to the trackable CalcPad version.


Day 1 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Introduce unit
    Discuss momentum (definition, examples, equation, units, vector)
    Discuss impulse (definition, equation, units; impulse-momentum change equation)
  2. Lab 1 - Marshmallow Shooters
    Fold a large note card length-wise to create a marshmallow shooter. Experiment w/varying muzzle lengths and marshmallow placement positions to determine what features make for the best marshmallow shooter. Be germ and hygiene conscious.
    Post-lab: discuss impulse as depending on F•∆t and effecting the m•∆v.
    Demo: use an 8' long PVC pipe with marshmallow diameter to launch a marshmallow and pierce a sheet of paper (or a few sheets of paper)
  3. Science Reasoning Center: Marshmallow Launcher

  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Momentum and Its Conservation: Lesson 1, Parts a and b
  2. Complete Marshmallow Launcher


Day 2 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Lab 2 - Balloon Toss Lab
    Do as a demo lab by performing several trials throwing a balloon up vertically and catching it; the collision is the catch and the size of the force will be reflected by whether the balloon breaks or not. Vary mass of balloon, height to which balloon rises (and thus ∆velocity during collision) and the ∆t (straight-arm catch vs. cradling catch)
  2. Review/Discuss Momentum, Momentum Change, and Impulse
  3. Pair Practice: Impulse and Momentum Change Think Sheet
    Complete; check answers; then ...
  4. Concept Builder: Momentum
  5. Concept Builder: Impulse-Momentum Change Table (Apprentice Level only)

  1. Review: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Momentum and Its Conservation: Lesson 1, Parts a and b
  2. Complete Concept Builders: Momentum || Impulse-Momentum Change Table
  3. Complete Post-lab questions of Lab 2.


Day 3 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss Applications of F•∆t = m∆v
    Review Lab 2; discuss What affects what? and how?
    Air bags, padded dashboards, bending knees when landing on a jump; retracting arm when catching a ball; padded mats on concrete walls in gyms, use of nylon ropes by mountain climbers, etc., etc.
  2. Pair Practice: Impulse-Momentum Change Applications Think Sheet
    Do, check answers, then ...
  3. Concept Builder: Case Studies - Impulse and Force (Master Level only)

  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Momentum and Its Conservation: Lesson 1, Part c
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission MC2 on Impulse and Momentum Change


Day 4 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Lab 3 - Explosion Analysis
    Using low-friction carts on tracks with spring-compressed plungers, make a quantitative comparison (using motion detectors if available) or qualitative comparison (if not available) of the post-explosion velocities of the two carts; use three different mass ratios for the carts.
  2. Discuss ∆p1 = -∆p2 for explosions between cart 1 and cart 2
    Develop the ideas that F1 = -F2, ∆t1 = ∆t2, I1 = -I2 (I=impulse), and ∆p1 = -∆p2
  3. Pair Practice: Action-Reaction and Explosions Think Sheet

  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Momentum and Its Conservation: Lesson 2, Parts a-c
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission MC4 on Force, Impulse, and Momentum Change


Day 5 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Physics Interactives: Exploding Carts Simulation with Student Activity SheetDo, Do, post-lab, and complete Concept Checker
  2. Demonstration: Red Cart vs. Blue Cart
    If available, use two low friction carts (red and blue or A and B) with spring-loaded plunger; run several trials with varying mass ratios. In an effort to be quantitative, position carts on track such that the ratio of their distances to the end of track is inversely related to their mass ratios. Depress plunger and observe carts reaching opposite ends at the same time.

  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Momentum and Its Conservation: Lesson 2, Part f
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission MC6 on Explosion-Like Impulses


Day 6 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss Momentum Conservation
    System; isolated system; psystem = psystem'; ∆p1 = -∆p2; how to recognize if system momentum is conserved; use of a before-after momentum table or before-after momentum vectors
  2. Pair Practice: Momentum Conservation and Explosions Think Sheet
  3. Concept Builder: Explosions - Law Enforcement (Masters Level only)

  1. CalcPad: Momentum and Collisions 1 on Explosion Analysis


Day 7 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Guided/Individual Practice: Momentum Conservation in Collisions Think Sheet
  2. Physics Interactives: Collision Carts with Student Activity Sheet (Hit and Bounce Collisions)
    Do, post-lab, and complete Concept Checker
  3. Concept Builder: Hit-and-Stick Collisions - Law Enforcement (Masters Level only)

  1. Complete unfinished work from class: Hit-and-Stick Collisions - Law Enforcement || Concept Checker


Day 8 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Guided/Individual Practice: Collision Analysis Think Sheet (Selected Qs)
  2. Physics Interactives: Collision Carts with Student Activity Sheet (Hit and Bounce Collisions)
    Do, post-lab, and complete Concept Checker
  3. If time allows: Minds On Physics: Mission MC5 on Momentum Conservation

  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Momentum and Its Conservation: Lesson 2, Part d
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission MC5 on Momentum Conservation


Day 9 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Guided/Individual Practice: Collision Analysis Think Sheet (Selected Qs)
  2. Lab 4 - The Cart and the Brick
    Mass cart and brick; collect ticker tapes; analyze tapes; calculate momentum of cart, brick, and system; conclude
  3. CalcPad: Momentum and Collisions 2 on Collision Analysis

  1. Review: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Momentum and Its Conservation: Lesson 2, Part d
  2. CalcPad: Momentum and Collisions 2 on Collision Analysis


Day 10 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Physics Interactives: Fish Catch with Student Activity Sheet
    Do and post-lab
  2. Guided/Individual Practice: Collisions and Proportional Reasoning Think Sheet
  3. Complete Concept Checker for Fish Catch
  4. If time allows, begin Mission MC10 on Momentum and Proportional Reasoning

  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Momentum and Its Conservation: Lesson 2, Part e
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission MC10 on Momentum and Proportional Reasoning


Day 11 of Momentum and Collisions

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss Test/Review
  2. Concept Builder: Keeping Track of Momentum - Hit-and-Stick Collisions (Apprentice Level only)

  1. Prepare for Tomorrow's Test
  2. Complete all unfinished work