Conceptual Physics Course Package
We are nearing completion of our Conceptual Physics Course Package. This downloadable package will include Think Sheets created specifically for a Conceptual Physics course. The Think Sheets will be available in Microsoft Word format, allowing teachers to easily make changes and customize the product. Answer sheets will be provided in both PDF and Microsoft Word format. Each unit contains a file titled ImageBanks which includes graphics used in the Think Sheets, allowing teachers the ability to modify them and re-purpose them for quizzes, tests, and other products. The downloadable package also included an entire lab program for our 12 units. This will include Student Activity Sheets and Teacher Guides in Microsoft Word format. The Teacher Guides include expected answers and to the Student Activity Sheets, time estimates, material lists, a description of alternative materials and methods, procedural details, and words of caution. Finally, each unit is equipped with a Bonus folder that has a generous collection of other goodies of interest to teachers of the course.
We are expecting the product to be complete and available for purchase in April or May of 2025. An update will be provided once the project is complete.
In creating our Lesson Plans and Learning Outcomes for this course we have referenced several of the items that we intend to place in the package. We have used red text wherever we have made such a reference. These items will only be available by purchase of the course package.
Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
The lesson plans below include links to the specific resources on our website.
Teacher Guides for labs can be found
NOTE: All CalcPad problem sets are customized problem sets created specifically for this course. The links direct users to the Guest version. Task Tracker users should use the link on the Task Tracker page to the trackable CalcPad version.
Day 1 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Introduce unit
- Lab 1: Pendulum Paint (Whole class demonstration Lab)
Suspend an acrylic paint container from ceiling by two strings so it swings as a pendulum; set it up to slowly drip paint onto butcher paper below. Pendulum frequency can be controlled by holding strings at a fixed height while it is swinging. Start pendulum swinging and pull paper with a constant speed vehicle. Dripped paint forms a wave. Do two trials - one with red paint and a long pendulum and another with blue paint and a short pendulum. Use a short enough pendulum (and long enough paper) to get >2 cycles minimum. Measure time for 2 cycles, length of repeating pattern, and (in a separate trial) speed of tractor. Plan for a mess. Plan for a WOW!
- Discuss vibrational motion: define: period, frequency, and amplitude; damping; use motion detector and vibrating mass on a spring to show that position and velocity vary as a function of time in a sinusoidal manner
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 0, Parts a and b
- Concept Builder: Frequency and Period
Day 2 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Lab 2 - A Wiggle in Time and Space
Observe Particle Wave Simulation. Student's observe and describe a red particle's motion. They observe and describe all the particle's motion. They describe the motion of the resulting pattern moving across the screen.
Do and process; emphasize a vibration is a wiggle in time. A wave is a collection of wigglers ... a wiggle in time extended across space.
- Discuss the nature of a wave and categories of waves (longitudinal vs. transverse; mechanical vs. EM)
- Pair Practice: Waves Think Sheet
- If time allows, Minds On Physics: Mission WM1 on Nature and Categories of Waves
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 1, Parts a, b, and c
- Minds On Physics: Mission WM1 on Nature and Categories of Waves
Day 3 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Physics Interactives: Simple Wave Simulator with Student Activity Sheet
Do and process; assign accompanying Concept Checker
- Discuss Wave Properties
Frequency, period, amplitude, wavelength, speed - definitions, units, mathematical relationships
- If time allows, do Simple Wave Simulator Concept Checker
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 2, Parts a, b, and c
- If not done in class, complete Concept Checker: Simple Wave Simulator Concept Checker
Day 4 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Pair Practice: Wave Properties Think Sheet
Complete; check answers, then do ...
- Concept Builder: Matching Pairs - Wave Characteristics
- Concept Builder: Wave Basics
- Lab 3 - Speed of a Wave
Do as a demo lab if equipment is limited or to insure best results.
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 2, Parts d and e
- Complete any incomplete work: Matching Pairs - Wave Characteristics | Wave Basics
Day 5 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Discuss Wave Speed
Definition, units; v=d/t and v=f•λ; depends on properties of the medium
- Pair Practice: Wave Speed Think Sheet
Complete; check answers; then do ...
- Science Reasoning Center: Wave Speed
- If time allows, start CalcPad: Waves and Sound 1 on Wave Speed
- Review as needed: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 2, Parts d and e
- CalcPad: Waves and Sound 1 on Wave Speed
Day 6 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Physics Interactives: The Boundary Behavior of Waves with Student Activity Sheet
Do and process; discuss wave behavior at a boundary
- Quick Quiz on Learning Outcomes 1 - 4
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 3, Parts a and b
- Concept Checker: Boundary Behavior
Day 7 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Physics Interactives: Wave Addition with Student Activity Sheet
Do and process
- Discuss Wave Interference
Definition; two types; result; diagram; principle of superposition
- Concept Checker: Wave Addition
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 3, Part c
- Concept Builder: Wave Interference
Day 8 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Review, then do Pair Practice: Wave Behavior Think Sheet
- Demonstrate/Discuss Standing Wave Patterns
Animation of how they are formed:
Patterns, nodes, antinodes, wavelength-length relationship, harmonics; frequency relationships
- Physics Interactives: Standing Wave Maker with Student Activity Sheet
Do; process. Follow up with the Concept Checker
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 4, Parts b, c, and d
- If not done in class, complete Concept Checker
Day 9 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Review standing waves; demonstrate with a Slinky or a wave machine
- Guided/Pair/Individual Practice: Standing Wave Mathematics Think Sheet
- Minds On Physics: Mission WM7 on Standing Wave Patterns and Harmonics
- If time allows, start CalcPad: Waves and Sound 2 on Standing Wave Math
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 4, Part e
- CalcPad: Waves and Sound 2 on Standing Wave Math
Day 10 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Discuss Sound Waves
Mechanical wave; Longitudinal vibrations (in fluids) ==> Pressure Wave; compressions and rarefactions
Frequency/pitch; meaning of wavelength and amplitude; wave speed in air; intensity of sound; demonstrations
- Pair Practice: Sound Waves Think Sheet
- Quick Quiz on Learning Outcomes 5 - 6
- Physics Classroom Tutorial, Sound Waves and Music: Lesson 1, Parts a, b, and c
- Minds On Physics: Mission SM1 on The Nature of a Sound Wave
Day 11 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Review sound properties; then Pair Practice: Sound Waves Think Sheet
Do and check answers
- Lab 4 - Tuning Fork Frequency
- Science Reasoning Center: Sound Intensity and the Decibel System (Activities 1 and 2 only)
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Sound Waves and Music: Lesson 2, Parts a, b, and c
- Minds On Physics: Mission SM2 on Characteristics of Sound Waves
Day 12 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Discuss sound intensity and the deciBel Scale
Explain the logarithmic nature of deciBels; it's a "powers on 10 thing". Use Decibel Scale Think Sheet
- Pair Practice: complete Decibel Scale Think Sheet
Do and check answers; then start ...
- Concept Builder: Decibel Scale
- If time allows, start Minds On Physics: Mission SM3 on Intensity and the Decibel Scale
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Sound Waves and Music: Lesson 2, Part b
- Minds On Physics: Mission SM3 on Intensity and the Decibel Scale
Day 13 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Discuss natural frequency, forced vibrations, resonance; review harmonics and standing wave patterns; "fundamental frequency"; demonstrations.
- Lab 5 - Natural Frequency and Standing Waves (as a demonstration lab)
Requires sound interface probes OR our Sound Spectrum Viewer in FFT Mode
- Pair Practice: complete Resonance Think Sheet
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Sound Waves and Music: Lesson 4, all Parts
- Minds On Physics: Mission SM5 on Resonance and Standing Wave Patterns
Day 14 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Review: Standing waves in strings
Nodes and antinodes; harmonics; wave patterns; length-wavelength relationship; fundamental frequency, fn = n•f1
- Concept Builder: Wavelength (2nd and 3rd activities only)
- Pair Practice: Standing Waves in Strings Think Sheet
Do and check answers
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 5, Parts a and b
- Minds On Physics: Mission SM6 on Harmonics for String Instrucments
Day 15 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Concept Builder: Name That Harmonic - Strings
- Discuss Resonating Open-End Air Columns
Patterns, relationships between L and wavelength; fundamental frequency, fn = n•f1
- CalcPad: Waves and Sound 3 on Resonating Strings
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 5, Part c
- CalcPad: Waves and Sound 3 on Resonating Strings
Day 16 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Pair Practice: Math of Open-End Air Columns Think Sheet
Do and check answers
- Concept Builder: Name That Harmonic - Open-End Air Columns
- Start CalcPad: Waves and Sound 4 on Open-End Air Columns
- Review as needed: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 5, Part c
- CalcPad: Waves and Sound 4 on Open-End Air Columns
Day 17 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Discuss Resonating Closed-End Air Columns
Vibrational node at the closed-end, patterns, relationships between L and wavelength; fundamental frequency, fn = n•f1
- Pair Practice: Math of Closed-End Air Columns Think Sheet
Do and check answers
- Lab 6 - Closed-End Air Columns
Force an adjustable-length air column (cylindrical tube suberged in the water of a 2-L graduated cylinder) into resonance using a tuning fork of known frequency; measure L of air column; calculate wavelength and determine wave speed; account for end-effects for best results
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 5, Part d
- Minds On Physics: Mission SM10 on Harmonics for Closed-End Air Columns
Day 18 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Review closed-end mathematics; more practice
- Concept Builder: Name That Harmonic - Closed-End Air Columns
- CalcPad: Waves and Sound 5 on Closed-End Air Columns
- Introduce Project: Design and Tune a Pan Flute
- Review as needed: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vibrations and Waves: Lesson 5, Part d
- CalcPad: Waves and Sound 5 on Closed-End Air Columns
Day 19 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
Design and Tune a Pan Flute
- Create a pan flute using 8 PVC tubes (closed at one end) that play frequencies of 523 Hz (C5), 587 Hz (D5), 659 Hz (E5), 698 Hz (F5), 784 Hz (G5), 880 Hz (A5), 988 Hz (B5), and 1047 Hz (C6). Assume v = 340 m/s.
- Calculate the L of closed-end air column to produce such frequencies; check calculations with teacher
- Add 1 cm to L to allow for insertion of foam plug to close off end; cut PVC tubes to length
- Insert foam piece; adjust location and measure frequency using a frequency meter like Spectrum Viewer (<== we have one!!)
- Use trial-and-error to get the frequency perfect; then use hot glue to seal location of foam piece
- Repeat for all 8 PVC tubes
- Assemble PVC tubes with open-ends flush to produce final instrument
- Look up some simple songs to play with C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. Pick a song and practice playing the song.
- Perform your concert for your classmates
- Complete all unfinished work
Day 20 of Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Lesson Plan
- Discuss tomorrow's test
- Day 2 of Project: Design and Tune a Pan Flute
- Create a pan flute using 8 PVC tubes (closed at one end) that play frequencies of 523 Hz (C5), 587 Hz (D5), 659 Hz (E5), 698 Hz (F5), 784 Hz (G5), 880 Hz (A5), 988 Hz (B5), and 1047 Hz (C6). Assume v = 340 m/s.
- Calculate the L of closed-end air column to produce such frequencies; check calculations with teacher
- Add 1 cm to L to allow for insertion of foam plug to close off end; cut PVC tubes to length
- Insert foam piece; adjust location and measure frequency using a frequency meter like Spectrum Viewer (<== we have one!!)
- Use trial-and-error to get the frequency perfect; then use hot glue to seal location of foam piece
- Repeat for all 8 PVC tubes
- Assemble PVC tubes with open-ends flush to produce final instrument
- Look up some simple songs to play with C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. Pick a song and practice playing the song.
- Perform your concert for your classmate
- Prepare for Tomorrow's Test
- Complete all unfinished work