Work and Energy - Lesson Plans

The lesson plans below include links to the specific resources on our website.

Teacher Guides for labs can be found here.

NOTE: All CalcPad problem sets are customized problem sets created specifically for this course. The links direct users to the Guest version. Task Tracker users should use the link on the Task Tracker page to the trackable CalcPad version.  

Day 1 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Introduce new unit; discuss Work
    Definition; examples and non-examples; equation, units, sample calculations; scalar quantity, + vs. - work; use Q#1-6 of Work Think Sheet
  2. Lab 1 - It's All Uphill
    Do and post-lab with attention given to theta; do Q#7 of Work Think Sheet
  3. If time allows: start Minds On Physics: Mission WE1 on Work
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Work, Energy, and Power: Lesson 1, Parts a and b
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission WE1 on Work


Day 2 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Review Work; Pair Practice: complete Work Think Sheet
  2. Discuss Power
    Definition; comparison to work; equation, units, sample calculations; derive P=F•v; use Power Think Sheet
  3. Lab 2 - Powerhouse Lab
    Do and post-lab
  4. If time allows: start Minds On Physics: Mission WE2 on Power
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Work, Energy, and Power: Lesson 1, Part f
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission WE2 on Power


Day 3 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Review Work and Power; Pair Practice: Work and Power Calculations Think Sheet
  2. Discuss KE, PE, and TME
    For KE and PE: definition, variables affecting quantity; equation, units, proportional thinking
    For TME: definition, TME = KE + PE, examples
  3. Science Reasoning Center: Push the Plow (or do the corresponding Lab with marbles, ruler, and dominoes; see Marble Energy Labs 1 and 2)
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Work, Energy, and Power: Lesson 1, Parts c, d, and e
  2. CalcPad: Work and Energy 1 - Work and Power


Day 4 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Review KE, PE, TME; Pair Practice: Energy Think Sheet
  2. Concept Builder: Name That Energy (Master Level)
  3. Concept Builder: What's Up (and Down) with KE and PE? (Master Level)
  4. As time allows: start CalcPad assignment
  1. CalcPad: Work and Energy 2 - KE, PE, and TME
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission WE3 on KE and PE


Day 5 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss Work-Energy Relationship for situations in which Wnc = 0
  2. Lab 3 - Energy on an Incline
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Work, Energy, and Power: Lesson 2, Parts a and c
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission WE4 on Mechanical Energy


Day 6 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Review Work-Energy Relationship (Wnc = 0)
  2. Discuss Work-Energy Relationship for situations in which Wnc ≠ 0
  3. Work-Energy Relationships Think Sheet
  4. Lab 4 - Work-KE Lab (as a demonstration lab)
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Work, Energy, and Power: Lesson 2, Part b
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission WE5 on Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces


Day 7 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss Work-Energy Bar Charts
  2. Work-Energy Bar Charts Think Sheet
  3. Physics Interactives: Chart That Motion
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Work, Energy, and Power: Lesson 2, Part e
  2. Concept Builder: Words and Charts


Day 8 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Do selected questions from Energy Concepts Think Sheet
  2. Physics Interactives: Roller Coaster Model with Student Activity Sheet
    Do and process; follow it up with the Concept Checker
  1. Minds On Physics: Mission WE6 on Energy Bar Charts
  2. CalcPad: Work and Energy 3 - Energy Analysis (Wnc = 0)


Day 9 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Guided/individual practice using Work-Energy Calculations Think Sheet
  2. Do selected questions from Energy Concepts Think Sheet
  3. Lab 5 - Stopping Distance Lab
  1. CalcPad: Work and Energy 4 - Energy Analysis (Wnc ≠ 0)
  2. Concept Builder: Stepping Up with PE and KE (Master Level only)


Day 10 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Guided/individual practice using Work-Energy Calculations Think Sheet
  2. Do selected questions from Energy Concepts Think Sheet
  3. Concept Builder: Energy Ranking Tasks
  1. CalcPad: Work and Energy 5 - Energy Analysis
  2. Concept Builder: Match That Bar Chart (Master Level only)


Day 11 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Guided/individual practice using Work-Energy Calculations Think Sheet
  2. Do selected questions from Energy Concepts Think Sheet
  3. Lab 6 - Energy of a Pendulum
  1. CalcPad: Work and Energy 6 - Energy Analysis
  2. Complete Lab (if not done in class)


Day 12 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
  1. Guided/individual practice using Work-Energy Calculations Think Sheet
  2. Concept Builder - Energy Analysis 1 (Master Level only)
  3. Concept Builder - Energy Analysis 2 (Master Level only)
  1. CalcPad: Work and Energy 7 - Energy Analysis


Day 13 of Work and Energy

Lesson Plan
Review day: this is a chance for students to process ideas, work independently or together, and prepare for exam. Suggested online review activities include:
  1. Concept Builder: Work
  2. Concept Builder: Match That Bar Chart
  3. Minds On Physics: Mission WE7 on Mechanical Energy Conservation
  4. Minds On Physics: Mission WE9 on Work and Energy Conversion
  5. CalcPad: Work and Energy 8 - Unit Review
  6. The Review Session: Work and Energy
NOTE: The above assignments are intended as optional review assignments and not required assignments.
  1. Prepare for Tomorrow's Test
  2. Complete all unfinished work