Vectors and Projectiles - Lesson Plans

The lesson plans below include links to the specific resources on our website.

Teacher Guides for labs can be found here.

NOTE: All CalcPad problem sets are customized problem sets created specifically for this course. The links direct users to the Guest version. Task Tracker users should use the link on the Task Tracker page to the trackable CalcPad version.

Day 1 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Introduction to Unit
    Review vectors; scaled diagrams; how do you describe direction when it is not E, W, N, or S? Discuss CCW convention.
  2. Guided: Vector Representation Think Sheet
  3. Lab 1: Map Lab
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors - Motion and Forces in 2D: Lesson 1, Parts a, b, and c
  2. Concept Builder: Vector Direction (first activity only)


Day 2 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss vector addition
    Head-to-tail vector addition diagrams; examples; Pythagorean theorem for right-angle vectors
  2. Pair Practice: Addition of Vectors Think Sheet
  3. Lab 2: As the Crow Flies (get all measurements; to be completed next class period)
  1. Concept Builder: Head-to-Tail Vector Addition
  2. Minds On Physics: Mission VP2 on Vector Addition


Day 3 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss Adding Right Angle Vectors
    Provide some guided examples of adding right angle vectors and using SOH CAH TOA and Pythagorean theorem to determine magnitude and direction
  2. Introduce concept of a vector component and discuss vector resolution using SOH CAH TOA; use Vector Components, Vector Resolution and Vector Addition Think Sheet
  3. Complete Lab 2 Calculations
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors - Motion and Forces in 2D: Lesson 1, Parts d and e
  2. Concept Builder: Vector Addition (Master Level only)


Day 4 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss component addition; use Vector Addition by Components Think Sheet
  2. Lab 3: Road Trip
  3. Physics Interactives: Name That Vector
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors - Motion and Forces in 2D: Lesson 1, Part f
  2. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 1 on Adding Vectors


Day 5 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Review component addition; 1 more example
  2. Concept Builder: Component Addition (Apprentice Level)
  3. Lab 4: Where Am I?
  1. Concept Builder: Component Addition (Master Level)
  2. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 2 on Component Addition


Day 6 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Physics Interactives: Vector Walk in Two D (do four 2-stage and two 3-stage motions)
  2. Physics Interactives: Riverboat Simulator with Activity Sheet and Concept Checker
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors - Motion and Forces in 2D: Lesson 1, Parts g and h
  2. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 3 on Component Addition


Day 7 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss Riverboat problems; independence of perpendicular components of motion
  2. Pair Practice: Relative Velocity and Riverboat Problems Think Sheet
  3. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 4 on Riverboat Problems
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors - Motion and Forces in 2D: Lesson 2, Parts a and b
  2. Complete CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 4 on Riverboat Problems (if not done)


Day 8 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Physics Interactives: Projectile Simulator (using Student Activity #2)
    Do and process
  2. Discuss projectile motion concepts; trajectory diagrams, simple vx and vy calculations; use Projectile Motion Think Sheet
  3. Minds On Physics, Mission VP7 on The Nature of a Projectile
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors - Motion and Forces in 2D: Lesson 2, Parts c and d
  2. Concept Checker: Horizontally-Launched Projectiles


Day 9 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Do selected Qs from Projectile Motion Think Sheet; do 1 HLP problem (from #12-14)
  2. Minds On Physics, Mission VP8 on The Acceleration and Velocity of a Projectile
  3. Minds On Physics, Mission VP9 on Velocity Components of a Projectile
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors - Motion and Forces in 2D: Lesson 2, Parts e and f
  2. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 5 on Horizontally-Launched Projectiles


Day 10 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Do selected Qs from Projectile Motion Think Sheet; do 2 HLP problems (from #12-14)
  2. Discuss Angle-Launched Projectiles; trajectory diagrams; do 1 column from Q#23 of Projectile Motion Think Sheet
  3. Minds On Physics: Mission VP9 on Velocity Components of a Projectile
  1. Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Vectors - Motion and Forces in 2D: Lesson 2, Part g
  2. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 6 on Horizontally-Launched Projectiles


Day 11 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
  1. Projectile Motion Think Sheet; complete Q#23-26
  2. Concept Builder: Projectile Mathematics (Apprentice Level only)
  3. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 7 on Angle-Launched Projectiles
  1. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 8 on Angle-Launched Projectiles


Day 12 of Vectors and Projectiles

Lesson Plan
Review day: this is a chance for students to process ideas, work independently or together, and prepare for exam. Suggested online review activities include:
  1. Concept Builder: Which One Doesn't Belong? Projectile Motion
  2. Concept Builder: Trajectory - Angle Launched Projectiles
  3. Minds On Physics: Mission VP4 on Adding Right Angle Vectors
  4. Minds On Physics: Mission VP5 on Vector Components
  5. Minds On Physics: Mission VP6 on Relative Velocity and Riverboats
  6. Physics Interactives: Hit the Target
  7. CalcPad: Vectors and Projectiles 9 Vectors and Projectiles Review
  8. The Review Session: Vectors and Projectiles
NOTE: The above assignments are intended as optional review assignments and not required assignments.
  1. Prepare for Test
  2. Complete all unfinished work