Additional Learning Tools and Resources

Watching a presentation is a passive activity. Getting information is important ... but its not the destination or end point. Now that you've watched the video, its time to do something with the information you've heard. It's time to act on it. The resources below provide an opportunity to do this. We encourage learners to solidify their learning through the use of one or more of the following resources.

Minds On Physics, Sound and Music Module, Mission SM2 - Characteristics of Waves

A Minds On Physics mission is always a great follow-up to a lesson. Give this one a try once you think you have a handle on the concepts of frequency, amplitude, wavelength, and speed.

Concept Builders, Waves and Sound Chapter - Waves: Case Studies

This Concept Builder focuses on an understanding of how a wave pattern is affected by changes in the properties of a wave (such as frequency and speed) and by the properties of a medium (such as tension and linear density of a string). The first and second activity provide great follow-ups to this video.

Physics Tutorial, Sound and Music Chapter: Lesson 2 - Sound Properties and Their Perception

This video tutorial was motivated by Lesson 2 of our written tutorial The written tutorial provides a great location for a student to quickly review the key ideas.