Additional Learning Tools and Resources
Watching a presentation is a passive activity. Getting information is important ... but its not the destination or end point. Now that you've watched the video, its time to do something with the information you've heard. It's time to act on it. The resources below provide an opportunity to do this. We encourage learners to solidify their learning through the use of one or more of the following resources.
Physics Interactives: Optics Bench - Mirrors
The Physics Interactives is our simulation section. Our Optics Bench simulation allows students to explore the reflection of light by curved mirrors and the formation of images. Tap on the Mirrors button at the top of the sim and then drag the object to the convex side of the mirror. Explore and learn.
Physics Interactives: Name That Image
This Interactive from our simulation section provides you with an object locaton along the principal axis. You must identify the corresponding image based on location, relative size, and orientation. Its great practice. It includes both convex and concave mirrors.
Minds On Physics, Reflection and Mirrors module, Mission RM8 and RM9
Our Minds On Physics program provides an intense workout in careful reading, logical thinking, and conceptual reasoning. It's like eating broccoli - nobody likes it but you know it's good for you. Give Mission RM8 on Ray Tracing for Convex Mirrors and Mission RM9 on Object-Image Relations for Convex Mirrors a try. It's great nutrition for your Physics brain. Use the Help link for question-specific help.
Tutorial: Reflection and the Ray Model of Light, Lesson 4