Additional Learning Tools and Resources
Student Resources
Watching a presentation is a passive activity. Getting information is important ... but its not the destination or end point. Now that you've watched the video, its time to do something with the information you've heard. It's time to act on it. The resources below provide an opportunity to do this. We encourage learners to solidify their learning through the use of one or more of the following resources.
Physics Interactives: Graphs and Ramps
This interactive simulation has a game-like feel as users design ramps along which balls will roll. The goal is to design a ramp that leads to a motion that matches a specific position-time graphs. Great practice and you'll love it.
Concept Builder: Position-Time Graphs - Conceptual Analysis
The consensus is Concept Builders are phun! They include a collection of questions to answer; feedback to your answers is immediate. Each question includes a Help page. Dataways, stars, and trophies are your rewards as you apply Physics principles to work your way through a variety of difficulty levels. Any of the three activities would serve you well at this point.
Concept Builder: Dots and Graphs
The consensus is Concept Builders are phun! They include a collection of questions to answer; feedback to your answers is immediate. Each question includes a Help page. Dataways, stars, and trophies are your rewards as you apply Physics principles to work your way through a variety of activities. The first activity is a perfect complement to this video tutorial.
MOP the App #1: Kinematics Graphing, Missions KG1 - KG3 on Position-Time Graphs
You may not find a better exercise for putting knowledge to practice than the Minds On Physics program. Available as an app on several devices, the MOP program consists of carefully crafted questions that target discrete concepts. Any of the three mentioned missions will provide the work-out required to solidify your understanding of this video.
Physics Classroom Tutorial: 1D Kinematics Chapter: Lesson 3 on Position-Time Graphs
It's still a bit of a passive activity, but this 3-page lesson on the topic of Position-Time Graphs complements the set of three video turoial presentations on the topic. It might serve as a great reference.