Teacher Resources

The Physics Classroom has been devoted to helping students, teachers, and classrooms since the 1990s. We are as passionate about that mission now as we have ever been. If you are a teacher of Physics or Physical Science, we encourage you to use our Video Tutorial with your students. And we also encourage you to consider the use of other resources on our website that coordinate with the video. We have listed a few below to help you get started.

Curriculum Corner:  Acceleration

Our Curriculum Corner section is full of Think Sheets that focus student attention on single concepts and use a developmental approach to help build meaning regarding that concept. Whether using them as group work, homework, or Individual seat work, you will find a Think Sheet that targets the concept you're interested in ... like this one on acceleration. 


Teacher Toolkit: Position-Velocity-Acceleration

We put one of the best Physics Librarian on the task of finding the best standards-based, multimedia driven websites on the web and the result was a collection of Teacher Toolkits that makes great stuff easy to find. Try one out today and start with this one on concepts associated with position, velocity, and acceleration.


Physics Interactives: Name That Motion

You have to try this one with your classes. It provides an exceptional exercise in thinking and using the concepts of velocity and acceleration. Use it with groups or use it individually in a 1: 1 classroom.

Acceleration Concept Builder

A Concept Builder provides students with a gentle workout on a single topic. This one on Acceleration will systematically walk a student through nearly all aspects of acceleration, providing feedback along the way. We highly recommend it for use in classrooms.


Minds on Physics App#1: Missions KC4 and KC8 of Kinematic Concepts Module

For serious students of Physics, our Minds On Phyiscs apps will not disappoint. The program delivers carefully crafted questions that target single concepts in Physics and continues to deliver the questions until students demonstrate mastery. Missions KC4 and KC8 are on the topic of accelerationy.


Tutorial on Acceleration

If you find a student is in need of a quick reference on the topic of acceleration, the Tutorial section of our website can deliver. Visit the 1D Kinematics Chapter and see the page on Acceleration in Lesson 1.

Calculator Pad: Kinematics Section

When it comes to topics that are math-related, the Calculator Pad is a go-to resource. You will find a large collection of problems on varied topics and of varied difficulty level. You will also find answers and audio-guided solutions. Problems #5-9 in this problem set will test your skill at using the Acceleration equation. Practice makes perfect!




Distance vs. Displacement Concept Builder

Students love Concept Builders and this one on Distance vs. Displacement will give students plenty of practice with those troubling Back-and-Forth problems. There are three levels of difficulty, randomly selected questions from a large bank of questions, built-in help, and opportuniies for remediation. While the topic isn't speed or velocity, and understanding of distance and displacement is essential for a calculation of average speed or average velocity.


Minds on Physics App#1: Mission KC3 of Kinematic Concepts Module

For serious students of Physics, our Minds On Phyiscs apps will not disappoint. The program delivers carefully crafted questions that target single concepts in Physics and continues to deliver the questions until students demonstrate mastery. Mission KC3 is on the topic of speed and velocity.


Tutorial on Speed vs. Velocity

If your students need a quick reference, the Tutorial section of our website can deliver. Visit the 1D Kinematics Chapter and see the page on Speed and Velocity in Lesson 1.