Conceptual Physics Course Package
We are nearing completion of our Conceptual Physics Course Package. This downloadable package will include Think Sheets created specifically for a Conceptual Physics course. The Think Sheets will be available in Microsoft Word format, allowing teachers to easily make changes and customize the product. Answer sheets will be provided in both PDF and Microsoft Word format. Each unit contains a file titled ImageBanks which includes graphics used in the Think Sheets, allowing teachers the ability to modify them and re-purpose them for quizzes, tests, and other products. The downloadable package also included an entire lab program for our 12 units. This will include Student Activity Sheets and Teacher Guides in Microsoft Word format. The Teacher Guides include expected answers and to the Student Activity Sheets, time estimates, material lists, a description of alternative materials and methods, procedural details, and words of caution. Finally, each unit is equipped with a Bonus folder that has a generous collection of other goodies of interest to teachers of the course.
We are expecting the product to be complete and available for purchase in April or May of 2025. An update will be provided once the project is complete.
In creating our Lesson Plans and Learning Outcomes for this course we have referenced several of the items that we intend to place in the package. We have used
red text in our Lesson Plans wherever we have made such a reference. These items will only be available by purchase of the course package. All labs provided in the Package will be provided as Lab Sheets that can be distributed to students. On our Labs page for each unit, we describe the lab in the form of a question and a purpose. If a lab is similar to a lab included in
our Laboratory section, then we have included a link to the Teacher's Guide for that lab.
Labs for Free Fall and Projectiles
Lesson Plans || Learning Outcomes and Activities || Teacher Notes || Labs
We have a collection of ~150 labs in the Laboratory section of the website. Each lab was intended to be used with a lab notebook where students report their data and findings and state their conclusion with supporting evidence and reasoning. The intent was to provide a relatively clear purpose (or question) to students that they would need to address AND to limit the amount of directions. The hope is that the purposes and students' ability to design a procedure would drive the lab activity (in contrast to a detailed set of step-by-step procedures being the driving force of students' activity). As such, each of our labs comes with a Question and Purpose and a short paragraph describing what should be included in students' lab report. On occassion, students are also provided a graphic organizer, data table, or other item to be taped into their notebook. The following pages may be useful for those teachers who wish to adopt or simply trial our Labs with a Purpose approach:
Our Thoughts on the Approach || About Lab Notebooks || Teacher Guides for All Labs
Lab 1: Acceleration of Gravity
What is the acceleration of a free-falling object? Does the mass of the object affect the acceleration value?
To determine the acceleration of a free-falling object AND to determine if the mass of the object affect the acceleration value.
A complete lab report contains a title, purpose, Data section with two graphs, and Conclusion. Include one v-t graph for your data (showing the slope on the graph) and one accel’n-mass plot for class data (showing the trend line). Conclusion should include two Claims – one for each part of the Purpose. For Evidence and Reasoning, discuss the specific data that you used to arrive at your claim and explain how that data is logically connected to your claim. This will include a solid paragraph of writing.
View: Teacher's Guide
(None available; actual labs will be included in Course Package)
Lab 2: Rocket Science
What is the launch speed of a stomp rocket?
To determine the launch speed of a stomp rocket.
A complete lab report consists of a Title, Purpose, Data section, and Conclusion. The Data section should include a trajectory diagram with a listed time and a sketch of a Desmos plot. Strategic points on the plot should be marked and labeled with coordinates.. Then for a Claim: write 1 sentence in which you state the launch speed. For Evidence and Reasoning, make a reference to your graph and the strategic points to explain how you determined the launch speed of the rocket. This should be a solid paragraph of good logic and reasoning.
View: Teacher's Guide
(None available; actual labs will be included in Course Package)
Lab 3: Launcher Speed
What is the launch speed of the projectile launcher?
To make peak height measurements in order to determine the launch speed of a projectile launcher.
A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion. The Data section should include a table of heights and an average of all heights. A sketch of the manipulated Desmos file that shows the launch speed (the manipulated variable) that leads to the measured peak height (the measured variable). The graph should display what points you measured and what values you manipulated to determine the launch speed. The Conclusion should include a simple Claim with Evidence and Reasoning. For a Claim: write 1 sentence in which you state the launch speed. For Evidence and Reasoning, make a reference to your graph and the strategic points to explain how you determined the launch speed. This should be a solid paragraph of good logic and reasoning.
View: Desmos file
View: Teacher's Guide
(None available; actual labs will be included in Course Package)
Lab 4: Hit the Target
Where do we need to place a target in order to hit the target with our projectile launched from our Lab 3 launcher?
To determine where to place a target in order to shoot a projectile into the target.
A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion. The Data section should include the provided Graphic; measurements and Desmos manipulations should be shown on the graphic. The Conclusion should include a simple Claim with Evidence and Reasoning. For a Claim: write 1 sentence in which you state the target location. For Evidence and Reasoning, make a reference to your graph and the strategic points on the graph to explain how you determined the target location. This should be a solid paragraph of good logic and reasoning.
Print: Graphic
Demos File
View: Teacher's Guide
(None available; actual labs will be included in Course Package)
Also Available ...
Physics teachers may find the following
for-sale tools to be useful supplements to our Lesson Plan and Pacing Guide section:
- Task Tracker Subscription (annual purchase)
A subscription allows teachers to set up classes, add students, customize online assignments, view student progress/scores, and export student scores. Task Tracker accounts allow your students to begin assignments in class or at school and to finish them at home. View our Seat and Cost Calculator for pricing details.
- The Solutions Guide
We publish a free curriculum with >200 ready-to-use Think Sheets for developing physics concepts. The Solutions Guide is a download containing the source documents, PDFs of source documents, and answers/solutions in MS Word and PDF format. An expanded license agreement is included with the purchase. (Cost: $25 download)
- Teacher Presentation Pack
This is a large collection of downloadable content packed with nearly 190 Microsoft PowerPoint slide decks, the corresponding Lesson Notes (as PDF and fully-modifiable MS Word format), about 170 animations (in .gif, .png, and .mp4 file formats), a countless number of ready-to-use images (including the original source documents that would allow for easy modification of those images), and a license that allows teachers to modify and use all the content with their classes on password-protected sites (such as course management systems). (Cost: $40 download)
- Question Bank
We distribute a Question Bank that includes more than 9300 questions neatly organized according to topic. The Question Bank is the perfect tool for busy teachers or new teachers. Even if you don't use the website with your classes, the Question Bank will assist you in quickly putting together quizzes, tests and other documents with high-quality questions that target student's conceptions of physics principles. And if you do use The Physics Classroom website, the Question Bank is the perfect complement to the materials found at the website. (Cost: $25 download)