The Solutions Guide

For more than two decades, The Physics Classroom has been supporting students, teachers and classrooms in the vital tasks of learning and teaching physics. And with our Solutions Guide products, those tasks have become a little bit easier. The Solutions Guides (Physics and Chemistry) contain answer keys to each of the Physics or Chemistry Think Sheets of the Curriculum Corner section of The Physics Classroom website.  Answer keys contain answers to all multiple choice questions, full explanations to all short answer questions, elaborately completed details for diagramming questions, and worked-out solutions to all word problems. As an added bonus to teachers, The Solutions Guide also contains Microsoft Word formatted files of both the Think Sheets and the answer keys.

The Solutions Guides are a perfect solution for those teachers who wish to use The Physics Classroom's Physics or Chemistry curriculum with their classes. The Solutions Guides allows teachers to use The Curriculum Corner with both comfort and confidence. It is also the perfect solution for home-schoolers who use The Physics Classroom Tutorial and accompanying resources at our site as their textbook. All questions to the Physics Think Sheets are answered in great detail, transforming The Curriculum Corner into an exceptional independent learning tool. The collections of PDF files are available as two Digital Downloads (Physics and Chemistry).  Once the purchase is made, the files must be downloaded within 7 days before the link expires (we can renew the link afterwards if needed).

The cost of the Solutions Guides are $25.00 (US) each. Payments can be made online using most major credit cards or a PayPal account. The payments are being collected using PayPal's secure payment system. The purchase is easy. Simply click on a Buy Now button, fill out the short form, and provide the Credit Card, Debit Card, or PayPal information required for processing.


Purchase Orders

Schools and other institutions that prefer to use a Purchase Order may do so. Use our Get a Quote form to request a purchase order or estimate.


The Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses

(The following licensing rights apply to those who have purchased the Solutions Guide. A separate listing of Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses for users of the Curriculum Corner is provided elsewhere.)

The inclusion of Microsoft Word files on this product provides teachers with the ability to easily customize and re-purpose the contents. The Physics Classroom licenses teachers the rights to do so in order to create revised handouts, quizzes, tests, PowerPoint slides and other deriviatives. The license permits teachers to use the material with their own classrooms in print or digital form. This includes the uploading of files to Course Management Systems to which students have password-protected access. However, the license prohibits the placement of the product contents and files (PDFs, images, Word files) or its derivatives upon websites that are publicly accessible to others who are not from that school. If placing any of the content upon the internet, we require that access to such content be password-protected and accessible only to students from the teacher's school.

Many teachers across the country use pages from the Curriculum Corner as homework assignments (which we do not recommend anyway since there is nothing currently to prevent a student from purchasing the Solutions Guide themselves). They do not wish their students to be able to access the solutions to such homework via a Google search or other web search. When solutions are placed upon the web, the value of the Curriculum Corner is being destroyed for such teachers. It is not only an illegal infringement upon the copyrights of The Physics Classroom, it is an infringement upon the desire of teachers to use The Physics Classroom resources. Please do not place answers and solutions on the web where others have access to them. Thanks for complying.