Task Tracker Overview

If you are relatively unfamiliar with the Task Tracker system, then this page is a good starting point. We hope to answer the question ...
Now that I have an account, what should I do next?

Consider this page to be a sort of insider's tips to getting started.

What Can Task Tracker Do?
Task Tracker is our system that tracks the progress of students who are doing website activities like The Calculator Pad (or any Task Tracker feature). As the name implies, it tracks students progress in completing assigned tasks. The assigned tasks are The Calculator Pad problem sets. And because that is what Task Tracker does, a teacher with a Task Tracker account can assign Problem Sets for students to complete. So some of your early tasks will involve setting up classes, adding students to your classes, and making assignments for students to do. You will also learn that your assignments show up on a Class Board with scoring, due date, and help information. 

It's All About The Calculator Pad
Always keep in mind that this is all about The Calculator Pad. The tasks that students do areCalculator Pad problem sets. So spend some time looking at the problem sets that are available for the topic you are teaching. Each problem set has an informative name and a descriptive overview. So without even opening the problem set you should have a fairly good idea as to what it is about. Find one that looks appropriate for your class, open it up and scan the questions. Find some good problem sets for your current topic. Make a note as to what they're named - like NL2, NL5, and NL6. Once you've identified The Calculator Pad problem sets you wish to assign, it's time to use Task Tracker. But until you do, you really won't know what to do with your Task Tracker account. That's why we say "it's all about The Calculator pad". 

How Should I Get Started?
Let's begin by assuming that you already have an active Task Tracker account. That is to say, someone has purchased a subscription and assigned you to be the teacher associated with that subscription. (If that is not the case, then you need to back up to our Directions page and find out how to become a teacher assigned to a subscription. It's the first few links on the Directions page.)

So now that you have your account and you have familiarized yourself with The Calculator Pad, here are a series of next steps for making the most of your account.
  • First, create your classes.
    This really is an easy process. Once you log into your account, visit your Classes page. Use the Create a Class button to begin creating classes ... as many as you plan to use. 
  • Second, add students to your classes.
    This is not a difficult process either. There's three ways to do it; you can read about them here. We also have a set of directions that you can distribute to students. Provide them with your Class Sign up Code and the directions and some time to do it. Be mindful that there is a limit on the number of students allowed by your subscription. 
  • Third, create an assignment.
    Creating assignments from problem sets can be tricky. Peruse The Calculator Pad section until you find one that's just perfect for your students. Remember the name (like NL2, NL5, or NL6) and the topic area (like Newton's Laws) of that problem set. Then when in your Task Tracker account, open the Class you wish to assign it to. Then tap on Create a Topic. Then tap on Create a Task. When the Task Properties page opens, select the name of the Problem Set from the Task pull-down menu. Then set the Scoring Rules and Task Properties. That's a little more difficult but we have a set of directions for that. 
  • Fourth, tell students about the assignment.
    Get them started on doing a Problem Set. Direct them to log on first and to visit their Classes page. They will see your assignment there, along with the due date, the scoring guidelines and any advice that you have given them. They can click on the link and get started. We do have a short set of directions to help students learn how to use their side of the Task Tracker system. View Student Directions
  • Fifth, take advantage of the tracking power of Task Tracker.
    Check in to see how your students are doing on the assigned problem set Did they get it? Do you need to re-teach anything? Is it time to move on? The Feedback View of a problem set provides some very easy-to-scan, quick information that you can obtain in minutes must prior to class.
  • Sixth, make more assignments
    Now that you have the first assignment figured out, try some more. Do something different. Experiment with the task properties and the various ways to set up task scoring. Consider modifying one of our problem sets or even writing one of your own problems with random numbers. We have directions for all of this. Visit the Directions page for The Calculator Pad. Watch the learning happen. And best of all, remind yourself how you're not having to grade anything.