Teaching Resources

The Physics Classroom has been devoted to helping students, teachers, and classrooms since the 1990s. We are as passionate about that mission now as we have ever been. If you are a teacher of Physics or Physical Science, we encourage you to use our Video Tutorial with your students. And we also encourage you to consider the use of other resources on our website that coordinate with the video. We have listed a few below to help you get started.

To be honest, we have a limited number of resources on our website that pertain exclusively to the topic of friction. Firction is more of a topic that is sprinkled in among other topics. The most common place to find the sprinkles is on pages that have Newton's second law as its focus.  Here are a few of those pages.

Teacher Toolkits: Newton's Second Law

Teacher Toolkits provide teachers a collection of annotated links to vetted resources on the internet that are standards-based and multimedia reliant. This particular Toolkit is on Newton's Second Law and should assist a teacher in finding resources for planning lessons that are next steps to this video.

Curriculum Corner: Newton's Laws Chapter

The Curriculum Corner provides classroom-ready Think Sheets that fuel great in-class discussions. The think sheets on Newton's Second Law of Motion, Net Force and Acceleration, and Newton's Second Law, and (most importantly) Friction might be great follow-ups to this video tutorial.

Physics Interactive: Force

Our Interactives section provides short simulations that allow students to manipulate a variable and observe its impact upon a motion. This one is perfect for helping students view the connection between mass, net force, and the resulting acceleration. It comes with two classroom-ready activity sheets, one of which provides a lot of attention to the role of friction.

Concept Builder: Solve It! With F=ma

Concept Builkders are great for formative assessent! This particular one has students solving a problem, getting feedback, and making corrections until they have mastered the problem. There are three levels of difficulty and the third one has the force of friction as a major component. 

Calculator Pad - Newton's Laws: Questions #11 - #30

The Calculator Pad is our go-to location for problems sets on the various topics of Physics. You will find varying problems with answers and audio-guided solutions. It's a great way to practice. Any of questions #11 through #30 would provide great practice solving problems with the Newton's second law equation. Some of those problems include friction.

Physics Classroom Tutorial - Newton's Laws Chapter, Lesson 2: Force Types

Our wirtten Tutorial is a reliable location to quickly brush up on a topic. Our Force Types page discusses all the different types of forces ... with friction being among the list.