Plane Mirror Images
The Plane Mirror Images Interactive blends a short Tutorial approach with a simulated environment in order to help learners understand how an image is formed by a plane mirror. The Interactive consists of two parts. Part 1 is titled
How do light rays reflect? This part introduces the law of reflection and addresses the manner in which light reflects off a plane mirror. Part 2 is titled
How do images form in plane (flat) mirrors? This part investigates the interaction between light from the object and the observer's eye. Both parts include interactive simulations embedded within a slide-like tutorial.
Users are encouraged to open the Interactive and explore. There is no need for an activity sheet or a set of directions. The Interactive uses a Check to provide confirmation that the two parts have been completed.
Learners and Instructors may also be interested in viewing the accompanying
Notes page. Technical information, teaching suggestions, and related resources that complement this Interactive are provided on the Notes page. View

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