
The Inclined Plane Interactive is an adjustable size file that displays nicely on just about any device - on smart phones, tablets such as the iPad, on Chromebooks, and on laptops and desktops. The compatibility with mobile phones, iPads, other tablets, and Chromebooks make it a perfect tool for use in a 1:1 classroom. Its dimensions can be adjusted to just about any dimension by dragging the lower-right corner of the iFrame.

Teaching Ideas and Suggestions:

This Interactive is an inclined plane simulator that is rich with features. Users can select three different displays to accompany the animation of the object along the inclined plane.
  1. Motion: graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration as a function of time
  2. Energy: bar charts displaying kinetic energy, potential energy, and energy losses due to friction
  3. Calculations: calculations of main quantities pertaining to the object's motion - force, acceleration, energy, etc.
The displays are selected and deselected by using the radio buttons immediately to the right of the simulation. All three displays can include numerical values by tapping on the Values radio button. The force and force components (for the force of gravity) can also be toggled on and off.

The Interactive includes a variety of Controls or sliders that allow a user to modify input parameters. Such controls include:
  1. Incline angle
  2. Mass of objects
  3. Initial velocity of object
  4. Coefficient of kinetic friction
  5. Coefficient of static friction
  6. Acceleration due to gravity
A simulation trial can be run by tapping on the Start button. The trial can be paused at any point using the pause. button. The slow button. The Replay button returns the simulation to the original state in order to repeat the trial. The Reset button restores the simulation to the default or start-up values.

The Physics Classroom has prepared a classroom activity for use with this Interactive. Teachers can download the activity and distribute it to their students. The activity provides guidance through the simulation. There are three emphases: 1) the effect of the angle upon force, force components, and acceleration; 2) the effect of the coefficient of friction upon the force components and acceleration and its relationship to other variables such as the angle; and 3) the effect (or non-effect) of mass upon the net force and acceleration. The last part of the lab (available on its own page for those who wish to skip it), challenges students to use algebraic manipulations to show two of the ideas that emerge from the three explorations. View Student Activity Sheet

Our Inclined Plane simulation is now available with a Concept Checker. Do the simulation. Then follow it up with a Concept Checker.

Related Resources

There are a few resources at The Physics Classroom website that serve as very complementary supports for the Inclined Plane Interactive. These include:
  • Physics Tutorial:
    Lesson 3 of the Forces and Motion in Two Dimensions Chapter of the Tutorial contains a page that is a perfect accompaniment to this Inclined Plane Interactive. It thoroughly discusses the physics of objects on inclined planes.

    Inclined Planes

  • Video Tutorial:
    Our Inclined Planes Video Tutorial discusses the physics of objects moving along inclined planes. The identification of the forces, the drawing of a free-body diagram, the components of gravity, and the application of Newton's second law to the analysis are discussed in an organized and understandable manner.  

  • Concept Builders:
    Our Free Body Diagrams for Inclined Planes Concept Builder and our Solve It! - Inclined Planes Concept Builder would be a great accompaniment to this Interactive. For Task Tracker users, progress is tracked after completion of each activity part. 

  • Minds On Physics Internet Modules:
    The Minds On Physics Internet Modules include a collection of interactive questioning modules that help learners assess their understanding of physics concepts and solidify those understandings by answering questions that require higher-order thinking. Assignments from the Forces in Two Dimensions module make for a great complement to this Concept Builder. They are best used in the middle to later stages of the learning cycle. We recommend missions F2D5 and F2D6 as accompaniments to this activity. Visit the Minds On Physics Internet Modules.

  • Calculator Pad:
    For those interested in the mathematical analysis of inclined planes and algebraic problem solving, the Calculator Pad is our go-to location. We have five sets of inclined plane problems with varying degrees of difficulty in our Vectors and Forces in Two Dimensions chapter. Try Sets F2D9 through F2D13.

  • Curriculum/Practice: Several Concept Development Think Sheets at the Curriculum Corner will be very useful in assisting students in cultivating their understanding, most notably ...

    Inclined Plane Analysis

    Visit the Curriculum Corner - Forces in Two Dimensions.

Additional resources and ideas for incorporating the Inclined Plane Interactive into an instructional unit on Newton's Laws of motion can be found at the Teacher Toolkits section of The Physics Classroom website.  Visit Teacher Toolkits.



We owe a special thanks to Physics teacher Martin Kirby for contributing the Inclined Plane Simulation to our Interactives collection. Martin has contributed many other simulations to our Interactives collection. You can view them all by visiting our page listing all Martin Kirby Simulations. Or visit Martin's website ( to learn more.