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Momentum is a vector quantity that has a magnitude (numerical value) and a direction. The numerical value of momentum is the product of the object mass and velocity.

There are three very similar versions of this question. Each version provides mass and velocity information for three objects and asks you to rank the objects in order of momentum. This is one of the three versions:

Version 1
The mass and velocity of three objects are shown below. The arrow represents the direction of the velocity. Rank these three objects in terms of their momentum.



Momentum is the product of mass and velocity. The equation is ...

Momentum = Mass • Velocity
p = m • v

(The symbol for momentum is p.) In this question you will have to calculate the momentum of the three objects and then compare their value. Once done, tap on the field to rank them ... Greatest p for the largest value, Middlest p for the middle value, and so forth.

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