Metric units of measurements like meter, liter, and gram are often preceeded by Greek prefixes such as milli-, centi-, and kilo-. These are just three of the many prefixes used to modify the base unit of meter, liter, or gram. An understanding of their meaning allows a student to comfortably use the metric system and to perform conversions from one unit to another.

There are three similar questions in this Question Group. Each version includes the use of the centi- prefix. One of the three versions is shown below.

Version 1:
Complete the following statements.
Metric units often used Greek prefixes. The Greek prefix centimeans _________.
one-millionth (1/1000000-th)
one-thousandth (1/1000-th)
one-hundredth (1/100-th)
one-tenth (1/10-th)
ten (10)
one-hundred (100)
one-thousand (1000)
So if an object measures to be 20 centimeters in length, then it is equivalent to ________ of a meter.
20 * 10
20 * 100
20 * 1000
That is ...
20 centimeter = _______________ meter

Study the infographic below and use it to determine the answer to your question.


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