It's the language of chemistry - atoms, molecules, elements, and compounds. And every Chemistry student must learn the language. It goes like this:

Matter is composed of atoms - the individual units that form the building blocks from which all things are made. There are many types of atoms, each with a different name (like hydrogen or oxygen or nitrogen) and referred to as elements. Elements can consist of individual atoms or of groups of the same type of atoms bound together. When two or mor atoms bind together to form a multi-atom unit, we refer to them as being molecules. But molecules can also be formed from groups of atoms of different elements bind.  We refer to these types of molecules as being a compound

There are two similar versions of this question. Here is one of those versions:

Version 1:

Consider the Particle Representation and accompanying Atom Key. Identify the one statement that does not match the diagram.

There are two molecules of the compound water (H2O).
There are two molecules of the compound ammonia (NH3).
There are two molecules of the element oxygen.
There are three atoms of the element hydrogen.

This question tests your understanding of the language of Chemistry. Study the following graphics to educate yourself on the topic. Then answer the question.


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