Oxidation-reduction reactions are a class of reactions which involve the transfer of electrons from one element to another element. The element that does the transferring of electrons is the element that is oxidized. The element that receives or gains the electrons is the element that is reduced. Oxidation states can be assigned to each element on the reactant and product side to help determine which element is oxidized and which element is reduced.

There are four questions in this Question Group. Here is one of those questions:

Question 1 of 4:

Use oxidation states to determine which elements are being oxidized and reduced. Then identify the oxidizing and reducing agents.

Cu  +  2 AgNO3  →  Cu(NO3)2  +  2 Ag


Study the graphic below in order to learn about oxidation states and the rules for assigning oxidation states. Then use information in the infographic to determine which element is oxidized and which element is reduced.




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