Covalent bonds involve electron sharing (as opposed to electron transfer). The sharing that occurs can be equal sharing in which the shared electrons spend much of the time distributed uniformly between the two bonded atoms. Or the sharing can be unequal sharing in which the shared electrons spend more time around one atom compared to the other atom.
All 27 questions in this Concept Builder look the same. Only the identify of the two elements varies from question to question. Here is one of the 27 versions you might see.

Sample Version:
Consider the C-Cl bond. Classify it as being either polar or non-polar. If polar, identify the direction of the dipole moment.

This Concept Builder probes your understanding of covalent bonding - particularly the effect of electronegativity differences upon whether the bond is polar or non-polar. The infographic below provides the background needed to understand the concept and successfully answer the questions.




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