In Chemistry we often represent a sample of matter using symbols and formulas. A beginning student of chemistry needs to quickly develop the ability to interpret such symbols and formulas. The questions in this Concept Builder and the infographics in the How to Think About This Situation are intended to get a student comfortable with this symbolic language.

There are three similar questions in this Question Group. Here is one of the versions.

Version 1:

How many total atoms of each element are present in the following formulas?

2 Ca3(PO4)2  +  5 CaO

To be successful with this question, you need to understand formulas and you need to know how to count the number of atoms in a formula. There are two infographics below that are designed to help you towards this end. The first infographic - Formula Representations - is an effort to help you become acquainted with the information that is represented in formulas. The second infographic - Counting Atoms - is designed to help you learn how to count the number of atoms of each element in a formula or set of formulas. Study each graphic as needed, learn what you need to learn, and return to the question and nail it!


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