Spring Quiz
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   K:kinetic energy(J)

   Us:potential energy of a spring(J)

   Ug:gravitational potential energy of a mass(J)

   Fs:force exerted by a spring(N)

   Fg:force exerted by gravity on a mass(N)

   k:spring constant of a spring(N/m)

   x:extension or compression of a spring(m)

   v:speed of a mass(m/s)

   a:acceleration of a mass(m/s²)


   g:acceleration due to gravity of a mass(m/s²)

   h:vertical displacement of a mass(m)

Newton's 2nd Law:

   Total force = mass x acceleration

Hooke's Law:


weight(gravitational force on a mass):


kinetic energy of a mass:

   K=½ mv²

potential energy of a spring:

   Us=½ kx²

gravitational potential energy of a mass:


For this simulation:

The spring has negligable mass.

No mechanical energy is lost to the environment.

g=−10 m/s²

The positive direction isupwards.

Your answer is 'correct' if it's within
10%of the!0 answer...
unless the!0 answer is zero;
then your answer must also be exactly zero.

Spring Quiz

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Gravitational Potential Energy

Potential Energy of Spring

Kinetic Energy of Mass

Total Energy of System

Speed of Mass

Acceleration of Mass

Force of Gravity on Mass

Force of Spring on Mass

Net Force on Mass