Newton's Laws - Detailed Help

Assignment NL4: Identifying the Forces Acting Upon an Object

The student should be able to identify the forces acting upon an object if given a physical description of the situation.



The Physics Classroom, Newton's Laws Unit, Lesson 2, Part a

The Physics Classroom, Newton's Laws Unit, Lesson 2, Part b

The Physics Classroom, Newton's Laws Unit, Lesson 2, Part c



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A book is at rest upon a table.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A person is standing upon the ground.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A dog is being slowly pulled by his dog chain across the ground at a constant speed. (Neglect air resistance.)

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A sign is suspended by two cables and hangs at rest.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A sledder slows down as it glides into the wind across some unpacked snow.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

A physics question often contains a short phrase which might seem a bit peculiar. It is the type of phrase that might cause one to wonder why it is included within the question. In actuality, the phrase serves to provide a hint or clue that might steer you in the right direction. In this question, the clue is in the phrase "across some unpacked snow". Including this phrase in the question warns the student that the snow is not like friction-free ice. Thus, the force of friction should be included in the answer.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?




For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A physics book is sliding across a level table. (Neglect air resistance.)

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

Click the button below to play an audio file in a separate window.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

An eagle glides (emphasis on glides) through the air along a horizontal path.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

A physics question often contains a short phrase which might seem a bit peculiar. It is the type of phrase that might cause one to wonder why it is included within the question. In actuality, the phrase serves to provide a hint or clue that might steer you in the right direction. In this question, the clue is in the phrase "(emphasis on glides)". Including this phrase in the question warns the student that the eagle is not using its wings to provide any forward propulsion force. Thus, applied force is not included in the answer.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A rightward-moving truck skids to a stop from a very high speed with its wheels locked.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A parachutist falls to the ground at a constant velocity.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A football is moving upward and rightward toward the peak of its trajectory. Neglect air resistance.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

Click the button below to play an audio file in a separate window.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

A large crate is being pushed leftward across the floor at a constant velocity. Neglect air resistance.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?



For the following physical situation, identify the forces which are exerted upon the object.

An elevator is suspended by cables and slowly descends through the elevator shaft. There is no contact with the walls of the elevator shaft. Neglect air resistance.

Often times, success in physics demands that you have the proper approach - a good game plan. When determining which types of forces act upon an object in a given situation, proceed through the list of forces and ask: Is this force present on the object? Answering this question demands that you understand each type of force. If necessary, use the link in the Hot Link below to navigate to a web page which describes each force on the list of force types.

A physics question often contains a short phrase which might seem a bit peculiar. It is the type of phrase that might cause one to wonder why it is included within the question. In actuality, the phrase serves to provide a hint or clue that might steer you in the right direction. In this question, the clue is in the phrase "There is no contact with the walls of the elevator shaft." Including this phrase in the question warns the student that there is no normal force exerted upon the elevator by the walls of the elevator shaft. Thus, normal force is not included in the answer.

How are the various individual forces best described?

Are there examples which demonstrate how to determine the types of forces acting upon an object?